<p>The key to maximising your child’s experiences within an early learning centre is effective communication. When families and educators are on the same page with the child’s progress, the child flourishes.</p>
Flexible Hours – The Need To Know
<p>Coose Parts Play is an interesting concept that came about in the 1970’s. It had a significant influence on early childhood educators as well as those who designed play spaces for children. According to architect Simon Nicholson, including “loose parts” in our child’s environment empowers and stimulates creativity. Quality Area 3 of the National Quality Standards speaks to us about the importance of the physical environment, in promoting competence and independent exploration amongst children. Loose parts is a great way of introducing these concepts, by using simple materials that children are able to move</p>
Outdoor Play In All Weather And Natural Environments
<p>The key to maximising your child’s experiences within an early learning centre is effective communication. When families and educators are on the same page with the child’s progress, the child flourishes.</p>